Student Handbook
Students and families are responsible for reviewing and knowing behavior expectations outlined in both this handbook and the Rights and Responsibilities - Student Conduct and Discipline Code published annually by the BVSD. Please reach out with any questions.
Student Handbook
- Contact Us
- Administration & Support Staff
- Bell Schedule
- School Motto
- School Information
- Student Information
- Attendance
- Code of Conduct
- Academic Information
- Student Support
- Student Recognition Programs
- Graduation 2025
- Athletics & Activities
Contact Us
Broomfield High School
1 Eagle Way
Broomfield, CO 80020
Phone Numbers
Main Office 720-561-8100
Attendance Line call 720-561-5381 or email
FAX 720-561-5390
Counseling Office 720-561-5384
Counselors’ Response Desk 720-561-5753
Counseling FAX 720-561-5389
BVSD Security (24-hour Dispatch) 720-561-5051
Safe2Tell call 1-877-542-7233 or visit
CO4Kids (Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline) 1-844-264-5437
Sexual Violence and Harassment Prevention
To report sexual harassment, email
Bullying Prevention
To report bullying, complete this form.
School Website
School Calendar
Administration & Support Staff
Ginger Ramsey, Principal
Nick Barnes, Assistant Principal and Activities Director
Katie Gambardella, Assistant Principal
Tyler Zappia, Assistant Principal and Athletic Director
James Greene
Heather Haskell
Gina Malecha
Amanda Reaves
Marissa Zufall
Office Staff
Chellie Feick, Office Manager
Eileen Bauer, Registrar
Kory Beaber, Treasurer
Tawni Heuton, Counseling Office Assistant
Jennifer Dunn, Athletic and Activities Assistant
Martha Pasquale, Receptionist
Renae Simmons, Attendance Assistant
Campus Safety Monitors
Trevor Blish
Kate Lambert
Liz Puppe School
Safety Advocate
Anthony Jenkins
Bell Schedule
School Motto
School Information
This handbook is meant to be a quick reference guide for students, staff and families at Broomfield High School. As a school in the Boulder Valley School District (BVSD), Broomfield High School (BrHS) follows the rules, policies and regulations of the district. Students and families are responsible for reviewing and knowing behavior expectations outlined in both this handbook and the BVSD Student Code of Conduct published annually by BVSD. Please reach out with any questions.
School Information
Building Hours
Daily building hours are Monday through Friday, 8:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Students may be in the building at other times only if under the direct supervision of a member of the school staff.
Emergency Drills
BVSD schools are required to conduct announced drills throughout the school year.
Health Services
Broomfield High School has a full time Health Room Para and a full time registered nurse. If a student becomes ill, injured, or in need of medication at school, they must report to the Health Room or Main Office and may not leave the building without authorization from the Health Para, Nurse, or Main Office personnel. If a student needs medication during the school day those medications need to be kept in the Health Room with a current doctor’s order, so the student does not have to leave school. Boulder Valley School District policy states that no student may carry medication or keep it in their backpack or locker. All medication given in the Health Room requires a current prescription and parent permission. Emergency medications (ex: EpiPen or inhalers) may be carried with special permission. Forms are available online and in the Health Room. See school nurse Kelli Preston with your questions.
Library Media Center
The Library Media Center is open each day per posted hours for study, reading, and research.
Posters and Announcements
All posters placed in the school and announcements must be approved by an administrator before posting or announcing.
School Closings/Emergencies
In the event of a weather closure, BVSD sends emails and phone calls to families and employees. Text messages are sent to those who have opted in. A notice is posted on the BVSD website and alerts are sent to the official Mobile App. In the event of a delay, check the BrHS website for the bell schedule.
Safety and security protocols are in place district wide. These protocols include interior and exterior cameras and fobbed (electronic entry) ID badges for staff and students. ID badges must be worn and visible at all times for all staff and students. Doors may not be propped open or held open for anyone without an ID badge.
Visitors and guest speakers must check in at the main office entrance and follow security protocols.
Student Information
Activity Pass
A $35 activity pass may be purchased that allows students to attend home athletic events with no additional charge (excludes play-off games). Purchase the pass on RevTrak and pick it up from Mrs. Dunn.
Fees are required for some courses. All fees have been approved by the Board of Education. Fees can be paid here: 1st semester fees will be invoiced in the fall and 2nd semester fees will be invoiced in January. Fees are due before December 1st in the fall and before April 1st in the spring. Please see Mr. Beaber for more information or questions.
Student lockers are school district property. Lockers may be searched by the principal or designee when there is reasonable suspicion that school policies, district policies, or state laws have been breached. Students are responsible for maintaining a clean locker and are to report any malfunctions to the Attendance Office. Locker combinations should be kept confidential to avoid possible thefts. Items of value should be left at home, not in a locker. The school and district do not assume any responsibility for stolen items. Please see Mrs. Simmons in the Attendance Office to obtain a locker.
Lost and Found
Lost and found articles may be turned in or picked up in the Main Office. Articles not claimed in a reasonable length of time will be donated to a charitable organization.
Make-Up Work and Finals
Students are responsible for contacting teachers proactively to arrange for make-up work within 2 days of their return. Final exams are given in all courses at the end of each semester.
Student Parking Permit Agreement
- Purchase of a permit does not guarantee a parking spot on campus.
- I will put my sticker (permit) on the inside of the front windshield on the lower right corner (front passenger side).
- I agree that automobile misuse (smoking, speeding, reckless driving, parking in unauthorized lots, etc.) may result in parking lot privileges being revoked.
- I understand that if any parking permit is lost or stolen, I am responsible to go get another pass from Campus Security ASAP.
- In case of a vehicle change, notify the Campus Security upon arrival to school.
- I will register any new vehicle I drive on a regular basis in the Main Office. If I plan to alternate vehicles, I will register both cars and get a temporary pass for the 2nd car.
- I will use my permit for the car I drive. If I allow anyone else to use my permit, I understand that my parking privileges will be revoked and the recipient may lose future parking permit privileges.
- I understand that if I do not have my sticker permanently attached to the windshield of the car I have driven to school, my car may be ticketed for a fee of $25, or towed.
- Illegal parking will result in a student’s car being ticketed ($25) and/or towed at the owner’s expense. Warning: cars will be towed if parked in teachers’ lots or if parked improperly in the student lot (along curb, in fire lane, handicap, handicap stripes and striped spaces, etc.).
- I realize that the school district does not assume any responsibility for items stolen from or damage done to automobiles or motorcycles in the parking lot or on the city street.
Student IDs
Students will be issued a free fobbed student ID card at the beginning of the school year or when they enroll in the school. Students are asked to wear their ID at all times while on school property. Their ID will be used for gaining access to the building, as a library card, and also to enter school dances and activities. The replacement cost is $5.00. See Mr. Kory Beaber in the Main Office for replacements. Students can request a lanyard from the front desk.
BVSD Policy JH was revised and approved on March 12, 2024. In addition to the responsibilities listed below, we want to make you aware of the changes that will be implemented beginning the 2024-25 school year:
Tardies and Partial Absences
1. If a student is less than 5 minutes late to class, they will be marked Tardy in Infinite Campus.
2. If the student is more than 5 minutes late, it will be marked as a Partial Absence in Infinite Campus. Teachers will make a note in IC indicating the time the student arrived at class.
3. 5 Tardies or 3 Partial Absences will convert to one Unexcused Absence.
Revisions to Policy
1. Parents/Guardians have 48 hours to excuse their student’s absence.
2. Parents/Guardians are able to excuse single period absences, without documentation.
3. Make-up work will be provided for all absences upon request. The student will be allowed the same number of days that were absent plus one, to turn in this work. The teacher will provide alternative assignments for missed in-class work.
4. Students will not receive credit for make-up work not finished or completed after the designated deadline.
5. In the case of Unexcused absences, the teacher will reduce the score to 75% of the earned grade.
6. The calculation for the absences resets at the beginning of each semester. Attendance contracts and/or Support plans remain in place.
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities for Attendance:
Report absences by leaving a message on the attendance line (720-561-5381) or using the parent portal in Infinite Campus (IC) within two days of the absence.
1. Provide documentation for absences due to official appointments (medical or legal). Documentation may be brought to the Attendance Office in person, sent with your student, or scanned and emailed to
2. If a student needs to leave school during the day, call the Attendance Office (720-561-5381) at least an hour ahead of time so a pass may be written to release them from class.
3. If a student needs to leave school due to illness, they must check out from the Health Room.
4. Request a pre-arranged absence when you know in advance that your student will miss school for an event such as a college visit, family activity, club sports or religious observance. A pre-arranged absence form may be picked up in the Attendance Office and must be signed by the student’s teachers and an administrator before the day of the absence.
5. Check attendance records in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal and maintain regular communications with teachers, administrators, and the Attendance Office so we can support you and your student(s).
Student Responsibilities for Attendance:
1. Understand that absences and tardies will interfere with your academic success. Unexpected absences could result in partial credit for the work missed that day. Excessive absences will be addressed with parents, teachers, and administration.
2. Contact teachers ahead of time for pre-arranged absences and immediately upon returning to school after an absence to arrange make up work.
3. If you need to leave during the school day, check out from the Attendance Office and back in when you return.
4. If you need to leave school due to illness, check out from the Health Room.
Code of Conduct
As a school in the Boulder Valley School District, Broomfield High School follows the rules, policies and regulations outlined in the BVSD Student Code of Conduct. In addition, here are some reminders that will help you at BrHS.
Dress Code
BrHS follows BVSD Policy JRDC on student dress. The Board of Education recognizes that students and their parent(s)/guardian(s) are primarily responsible for determining the students’ personal appearance (clothing, hairstyle, jewelry, headgear, hats, book bags, etc.). Students' hair/hairstyles will not be considered a cause for dress code violation. Schools are responsible for ensuring that a student’s personal appearance does not interfere with the health or safety of any student. Students and staff are responsible for managing their own personal distractions and reactions.
Food and Drinks
Food and drinks are not to be consumed in carpeted areas or hallways where classes are in session. Students may eat in the cafeteria area or in designated areas including the Atrium lobby, courtyard, and front lawn. Students are to keep all opened containers of food and drink out of their lockers for sanitation and health reasons.
Only emergency messages from parents will be accepted and conveyed during the school day.
Cell Phone & Personal Technology Devices (PTDs)
Students must keep their PTDs turned off and away during class periods unless specifically directed to do otherwise by a school employee. The school PTD policy and offenses are stated here.
Student Use of Technology
Student use of technology, including the Internet and electronic communications, is a privilege, not a right. Students shall use district computers, devices and computer systems in a responsible, efficient, ethical and legal manner. Refer to BVSD Policy JS-E1, JS-E2 for further information.
Thefts and Reporting
Students are reminded to secure bicycles, automobiles, valuables, and their lockers. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Students who lose or have reason to believe their personal property has been stolen/vandalized are advised to make a report with the School Safety Advocate, Anthony Jenkins. Filing this report will assist the school and the police, should their involvement be warranted, in retrieving the lost or damaged property.
Academic Information
Disabilities / Accommodations
Students with a Special Education IEP should reach out to their case manager with any question or concerns. 504 questions/ concerns should be directed to
Academic Dishonesty
Students are expected to respond to academic challenges with the highest degree of integrity and honesty that support the culture of the community. No student shall engage in scholastic dishonesty, which includes but is not limited to cheating on a test, plagiarism or unauthorized collaboration with another person or form of artificial intelligence in preparing work that is to be submitted for a formal assessment, grade, and/or evaluation.
Academic Eligibility
In order to purchase tickets and attend special events like Homecoming and Prom, students must be academically eligible:
● If the student has more than one F, they will not be allowed to attend
● If the student has 10 or more unexcused absences in any class, they will not be allowed to attend
Graduation Requirements
Graduates will be required to demonstrate performance measures in addition to the listed coursework. Minimum requirements for graduation from high school in the Boulder Valley School District include the following:
1. 220 units of credit, including completion of subject area requirements. A minimum of 100 credits must be earned in grades 11-12.
2. Eight semesters of attendance beyond the eighth grade, unless the student qualifies for early graduation (see counselor for details).
3. Students may earn five credits for community service and independent study. These must be approved prior to beginning coursework.
Units of Credit | Grading Scale |
Language Arts 40 |
A Exceptional Accomplishment B High Accomplishment C Average Accomplishment D Low Accomplishment F Unsatisfactory; No credit I Incomplete |
A full schedule for freshmen and sophomores is six courses each semester, juniors and seniors are five courses each semester. Students must register each spring for the courses they plan to take the following year. New students will register with a counselor in the Counseling Office. The course catalog is online. Students and parents are strongly encouraged to formulate course requests together as course changes and drops are restricted.
Dropped Classes
Students are allowed to drop a class during the first 15 days of a semester with no grade reported. To drop a class on the 16th-30th day of the semester, a drop form must be completed and approved by the counselor, teacher, parent, and administrator before the drop is effective and before students may discontinue attending class. The student will receive a grade of "WP" (withdraw passing) or "WF" (withdraw failing).
Students who drop the class after the 30th day will receive an "F,” regardless of the quality of the student's work. In extremely extenuating circumstances, the building administrator or designee, in consultation with other professionals with knowledge of the student's situation, may also exempt a student from the practice of assigning an "F" for a class dropped after the 30th day, regardless of the quality of the student's work.
15th day first semester - 9/5/2024
30th day first semester - 9/26/2024
15th day second semester - 1/28/2025
30th day second semester - 2/18/2025
Eagle Learning Center
Students have the opportunity to access additional support after school from 3:55 to 4:45 Monday through Thursday in the library. Teachers will be available to monitor and provide academic support. This support is totally voluntary and not used as punishment or detention for students. It is a safe place to get work done prior to going home.
Counseling services are available to every student. Students receive counseling for individual, career and academic plans at each grade level. Students needing assistance can access a counselor at the Response Desk or arrange for a private appointment.
Withdrawal from School
Any student who transfers from Broomfield High or leaves permanently must obtain a withdrawal form from the Counseling Office. A parent's signature is required. All fees are to be paid, and if applicable, the Chromebook returned before transfer grades or transcripts will be released.
Student Support
Eagles’ NEST
New Experiences for Student Transfers is a club founded by students who understand that changing schools is very hard. N.E.S.T leaders want to make the transition to Broomfield High as easy as possible for new students. Current students meet with new students a few times during the first semester. Students make connections to other students and get information about school and local events. All new students are welcome! Dates and times will be announced.
Tutor Time
Tutor Time is an opportunity for students to get additional academic assistance outside of the regular classroom setting. Tutor Time is part of our academic day. Teachers may require students to attend. Students who are attending Tutor Time are to be in classrooms. Students not engaged in academic endeavors are to be off campus. Please do not schedule appointments during Tutor Time.
Each student at Broomfield will participate in the 1:WEB program and may purchase a Chromebook to expand and enrich their educational experience. Visit our 1:WEB site for more information.
Student Recognition Programs
Graduation Honors
High academic achieving students shall be recognized and awarded summa, magna, and cum laude honors. To earn such honors, students will be selected based on their cumulative weighted GPA after seven semesters.
The GPA criteria for the Class of 2025 and 2026:
Summa cum laude – 4.600 and above
Magna cum laude – 4.300 to 4.599
Cum laude – 4.00 to 4.299
For the Class of 2027 and beyond, graduation honors will be determined after the completion of 7 semesters (1st semester of senior year) and will reflect the top 20% of the class.
The breakdown will be:
Summa cum laude - top 3% of class
Magna cum laude - next 7% of class
Cum laude - next 10% of class
National Honor Society
Members in the society are chosen on the basis of leadership, character, scholarship, and service. Membership in NHS is recognized nationally as one of the highest honors that can be bestowed upon a student. Any student who holds a cumulative weighted grade point average of 4.0 or an unweighted grade point average of 3.75 or higher after completing three semesters of high school is eligible to apply for membership in the Broomfield Chapter of the National Honor Society. Weighed equally with strong academic performance is service to the community and/or school, evidence of leadership activities and excellent personal character. The member must sustain their entrance qualifications until graduation, where special recognition is given. Application for membership is standardized for all BVSD high schools and each applicant is evaluated by the NHS Faculty Council.
Roll of Honor/Academic Letters
All students with a 4.0 and above GPA for a semester in five or more classes will receive an academic letter or an Honor Roll Pin to wear on a previously received school letter. Bars and letters will be given for honors earned at Broomfield High and not for academic achievement prior to attending BrHS.
Super Kids, to be renamed
Recognizes and honors students who demonstrate good citizenship, behavior, attendance, participation and respect for others. This event is sponsored by Broomfield Rotary and BrHS.
Graduation 2025
The graduation ceremony will be held on Monday, May 19th, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
1. May 1, 2025: Seniors in danger of not graduating because of failing grades must turn in progress reports. If still failing, they may not walk in the commencement ceremony.
2. The last day to turn in proof of successful completion of approved credit retrieval and online courses will be determined by BVSD Online Learning.
3. Graduating seniors must be currently enrolled in Broomfield High School and meet all Boulder Valley School District requirements.
4. Students who do not have 150 credits at the beginning of the school year will not be considered a candidate for graduation.
5. Students must earn at least 50 BVSD credits in order to receive a BVSD diploma.
6. All graduation honors will be determined at the conclusion of a student's seventh semester.
Athletics & Activities
The philosophy of the Office of Athletics and Activities at BrHS is to teach, counsel, encourage and present an opportunity for students to experience successes that will carry into their adult life. Initiation and hazing for participation in any club, sport, or activity is not permitted. Athletic fees are $200 per sport with a maximum of $500 per family per year.
All students must sign the BVSD Code of Conduct prior to participating in any athletic activity. This Code of Conduct is enforced year round for any student athlete.
It is the purpose of athletics and activities to promote the physical, mental, moral, social, and emotional well-being of the individual participants. Student conduct at athletic events must support this purpose and the educational values inherent in interscholastic events. Fair play, courtesy, generosity, self-control, and friendly feelings toward the opposing teams or schools must not be sacrificed in the desire to win.
The expectation at Broomfield High School is that students and spectators Cheer For Our Team. This includes, but is not limited to, exhibit courteous, friendly, and fair treatment to visiting players, school officials, fans, and game officials. Students and all spectators are reminded that taunting, profanity, unsafe behavior in the stands, or any unacceptable conduct will result in removal from the activity and possible future activities. Taunting is defined as any actions or comments by coaches, players, or spectators which are intended to bait, anger, embarrass, ridicule, or demean others, whether or not the words are vulgar or racist. The image and reputation of Broomfield are best served by having a large and devoted spectator section whose conduct typifies all the expectations of good sportsmanship.
Athletic and activities eligibility guidelines are in accordance with Colorado High School Activity Association rules. All students involved in athletics and activities at Broomfield High School must be taking and attending at least five classes and failing no more than one class. Failure to do so results in the students being ineligible for the next week's contests. Additionally, if a student is failing the same class two consecutive weeks, they will be ineligible for the following week's contests.
NCAA Eligibility
It is extremely important for students who are considering playing Division I or Division II sports in college to be informed about NCAA eligibility requirements. The NCAA has determined that high school students need to carefully consider eligibility standards when making high school plans and course selection. Students can be ineligible to play college sports if they do not adhere to NCAA Eligibility Guidelines.
The NCAA Core Course requirements stipulate that student athletes must complete specific courses in English, mathematics, science, social science and additional electives in foreign language, computer science, philosophy or non-doctrinal religion. Please see the NCAA Eligibility Center for specific requirements for Division I and Division II athletics.
Parents and students should know that not all courses that BrHS offers are accepted by the NCAA Eligibility Center. Visit the NCAA Eligibility Center for more information. After completing their junior year, students will need to submit an online registration form with the NCAA Eligibility Center certifying them as eligible if they intend to participate in Division I or Division II college athletics next year. Students should see their counselors to clarify any of the above information. It is the responsibility of the student and parents to adhere to these guidelines.
Broomfield Fight Song
Eagles Fight, Eagles Fight, Eagles Fight on with all your might.
Eagles Fight, Eagles Fight, we're backing the blue and white.
Eagles Fight, Eagles Fight, You're the Eagles we love best.
Hail, Hail, the gang’s all here and it's goodbye to all the rest.
Fight Broomfield down the field, Broomfield must win.
Fight on to victory, Eagles in blue and white.
Fight, to guard our honor high, never give in.
Shoulder to shoulder we will fight! fight!
Go, fight, win!