Bullying Prevention Dating Violence Prevention Grief and Loss Substance Abuse Prevention Suicide Prevention
Counseling & Support
The counselors at Broomfield High School are always available to give social & emotional support to all students helping them to persevere through challenging times. Students and/or parents/guardians can make an appointment with their counselor by sending them an email @ broomfield.counsel@bvsd.org or calling the counseling desk at 720-561-5753. Students can also drop in to speak with the counselor-on-duty before or after school, during an off period, or during lunch, preferably not during class so as to not miss instructional time. Go to Meet Our Counselors page for counselor contact information and office hours.
School counselors are an important resource and partner for our students, providing guidance and support in a variety of areas to help them be successful in their academic, post-secondary and personal lives.
Areas of Support
Quick Links
Prevention and support resources for students.